Friday, January 07, 2011

Sniffy. Dumber Than We Even Thought?

Sully points out that the now-finally-since-the-GOP-might-not-need-her down spiral of Sniffy Wiffy might have something to do with her "reality" show, as her "huntin' n shootin'!" schtick came off as incredibly phony. People will swallow a lot of dumb shit from their political darlings, but for Red Staters, trying to fake hunting is not one of them.

As you may remember HERE, when the show first began I excitedly lapped up every moment of it. But I only made it through about four episodes; I haven't watched one since 2010. The constant barrage of shit that was beyond even trying to suspend belief for was just too much - I literally did not have the energy to watch the thing anymore. Here I am, someone who loves  1) looking at Sniffy  2) hearing her say dumb shit, and the goddam thing became too much even for me.

But the biggest red flag is that here is someone who was given 8 hours of carte blanché to paint herself in as incredible a light as she wished, and she (so far) has done the opposite. She ended up fucking up a junior high "How Awesome Am I??!!?" assignment, which is alarming for a politician, to say nothing of someone taking somewhat seriously as a "national leader." Sure Hitler was a monster, but you know that if he had the same opportunity, he'd make it so that you'd come away thinking "hey, he's not such a bad guy..."


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