Monday, January 10, 2011

States of Moi

This is a map of the US with the states I've visited colored in. Which is totally depressing, since apparently I haven't been anywhere. I can't believe I haven't been to Kentucky, but for the life of me I can't remember an occasion, so. Or Ohio, not counting a layover in Cincinnati. Who the fuck has never set foot in Ohio? It also never occurred to me that Ohio was only two states away from Virginia until I saw this map 60 seconds ago  I was in college; like Iowa, which is also a lot closer than I envisioned, I always assumed it was a million miles away, closer to Big Sky country. And this is coming from the winner of the 1986 World Geography Award!

Tho I hope to add Colorado to the list this year, thanks to illWill! :)


Gina said...

don't feel badly, X, the father of this country only visited 13 of them. maybe.

Xmastime said...

(tr-cornered cap doffed)