Monday, January 10, 2011

Yankee Thoughts

The best AND worst year to be born a Yankees fan, it seems to me, would be exactly one hundred years ago, in 1911.  At the age of 12, right when you're primed and aware and can really follow the team, they move into Yankee Stadium and then win an incredible 20 World Series rings in 41 years, plus another 6 trips. You'd witness Ruth/Gehrig/Dimaggio/Mantle/Maris/Ford/Berra/Martin and on and on. You would never have gone more than four years between titles, and those long waits were rare.

And yet once you hit the age of 53, the party would come to a screeching halt. Right when you're settling down towards the sunset of life (remember, the life expectancy of people born in 1911 was somewhat different than today), when you think you'll be sitting on the front porch sipping iced tea and being lead to the Pearly Gates listening to a never-ending string of Yankees World Series wins, the cupboard would be bare. After a lifetime of being spoiled, your sunset years would become bitter ones. MAYBE you'd hang in 'til 1977, but who knows.


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