Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teenorama Dance Party

I came home last night and stumbled upon the last ten minutes of a PBS doc about an all-black dance party from the 60's, Teenorama:
In the 1960s teen dance shows aimed at black teens aired.  In 1963 disc jockey  Joseph “Tex” Gathings, produced Teenorama Dance Party, an all-black dance show for  WOOK-TV (Channel 14), in Washington, D.C. 8  Teenorama, a live broadcast, aired six  days a week and ran for seven years.
Of course I can find no further viewings listed, nor is it even on the fucking PBS site - I got that info from some random pdf. Grrr.

Besides the bonus of the footage I saw being from 1963, meaning it had that weird b/w video look that you only seem to see from the Kennedy assassination weekend, I was floored that the regular dancers are still alive. A fan would say that so & so was their favorite, and then they'd cut to today, with so & so talking. I don't know why this astounds me, it only means the person's probably 62ish, but it seemed magical to me somehow. Legends packed away in b/w celluloid decades ago, and they're still here.  Maybe I'm just too easily astounded.

I'll be on the lookout for any repeat showings of the show coming up for you.

I've often repeated the fact that my mother was on American Bandstand when she was a youngster, but now that I think of it, surely it was only a local Boston version. But hell, I prolly made that up; what I meant to say is she travelled with Led Zeppelin on their first American tour.

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