Thursday, January 06, 2011


It came as a bit of a surprise to me the other day to see that subway fare has gone up again to $2.50.  "Goddamit," I groused, "when I first moved here, it was only $1.50!!  Wtf!!"

But then I started thinking about it. That WAS, after all, 13 years ago. And it turns out that in 1985, 13 years before I moved here, a token was 90 cents, which means the jump from $1.50 to $2.50 over 13 years is the exact same as it was over the previous 13 years. So I guess it's a pretty natural uptick.

Maybe in my head, the difference between $1.50 and $2.50 for something like a subway token seems much larger than the span of 13 years, now that I'm getting old and time is flying. At least I'm not one of these "when I was a boy a flight to San Fran was a nickel!!" dudes, so.  At some point, maybe we should be very impressed that someone can pluck a tuna fish out of the North Atlantic and then give 6oz of it to me thousands of miles away for $1.39.

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