Thursday, January 06, 2011

Diet Advice

I mentioned a while ago HERE regaining my kitchen after two years, which was just in time for my trying to live a little healthier by cooking at home instead of takeout three times a day. And I must say, not only does cooking again seem to be having a good effect, but so does actually sitting down and eating at the kitchen table. Before, if I did cook something I'd pile it all into my arms and scamper back to my room in front of the ol' tv. So first of all, I'd barely pay attention to what I was eating since I was watching tv anyways. But also, there's probably a "well, I fucking lugged it all the way here, so I have to stuff it all in and finish it" mentality, so I'd finish it all no matter what.

But at the kitchen table, I find I'm much more likely to say "okay, that's enough for now", and stick the rest in the fridge.  My dinner last night was actually something I can't remember having last: leftovers from lunch!!!!

(this wasn't it, but hey) 

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