Monday, January 03, 2011

Trash Landing

As I mentioned HERE, coming up with those snappy headlines in the NYC tabloids has always been a dream job of mine (though "Blauch head" will never be topped!), so you can imagine how annoyed I am that for the SECOND TIME IN TWO WEEKS (okay I can't remember the other one, I meant to blog about it but got lazy or whatevs, eff you!) the Post AND the News have the exact same goddam "clever" fucking headline. How does this happen? Can't these two jerkoffs get together at the last minute and make sure they didn't come up with the exact same shit? There's no email exchange?

"What'd you come up with?"
"Trash Landing. You?"
"Giants Suck."
"No no, the other thing."
"Oh...Trash Landing."
"You're the best in the business, and everybody knows it."

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