Monday, January 03, 2011


The path for two more years of Michael Steele competing as the Michael Phelps of the GOP Batshit Olympics has just been made a little easier!
Do not feel bad for Steele; I can almost promise you that since her taking away his gold medal he's been locked in with his writers, and before the day is over will come out with some amazing batshit saying that will have us all scratching our heads. Hey, he's still the best; he just got tripped up by an almost perfect storm of 6 words spoken by someone [Bachmann] with the perfect mix of no brains, no shame and a burning desire to be the most mindless buffoon on the planet at any given time. Worry not, Steele will be back (dare I suggest having learned something from Madame Bachmann?)  
Congrats, Mike!

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