Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We're in the midst of Fashion Week, and, as I mentioned yesterday, erstwhile Fashion Week "friend" The Fashion Herald and I are in a bit of a feud. Already I can't remember why; I'm "guessing" it has something to do with her not appreciating the attention I was getting from all the runway models.  Or that we'll simply never agree on white socks with dress shoes - WHATEVS; all I know is it's getting ugly between us.

So, since I am a petty mf, I am including at least one post per day about fashion on Xmastime, just to effin' stick it to her.  I can't do fashion without her? HA!!!

For instance, here's a chart of iconic music ensembles. Enoy.

HA!  In your FACE, Fashion Herald!!!!


Unknown said...

"The Style of Music," well that's a stretch. What's next, "the style of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders?"

Xmastime said...

don' b h8n'!