Wednesday, February 16, 2011



You may now buy THE ENTIRE XMASTIME CANON!!!  in a classy, CLASSY! hardcover book!

5,566 pages of "gee, what's on Xmastime's mind at this very second?"

YES!  First Great Expectations, now Xmastime!!!!

You can sit on the shitter and flip through every post I've ever made from November of 2005 through December of 2010!!!!!!!  Get teary-eyed, jerk off, whatevs - you can read it ANYWHERE YOU WANT!!!!! Because, after all, it's a book!

AND, even better, it's only, and I can't believe I'm showing what a dumbass I am by giving this shit away like's ONLY $2,059!!!!  THAT, my buyers, is only - and, again, I'm embarrassed - 37 cents a page!!!!!!!!! Where else can you get these posts for that price??!?!?!

Hell, I like you, so just send me a check  cash for $2,000 and I will make SURE you get the book!!!!!!!!  FUCK the $59 - for your loyalty, I am wiling to eat it!!!!!

Buy TWO and you get the STOOPID discount of $1,995 for each and, get this - I will personally deliver them to your house!!!!*

Order today at!!  HURRY!

*if you live in Williamsburg, or are really hot, and can float me bus money

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