Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Worst Ladies

This site HERE ranks the First Ladies of our history by hotness, and I must say...when presented together like they are, it's pretty shocking that, for the most part, our presidents have married some pretty ugly fucking women.  I mean, other than Jackie, there's not a single entry here that'd you'd notice passing in the street, much less buy a drink for. Michelle Obama gets the silver medal, but even she isn't what I'd describe as "hot!"  Other than JFK, I can't say there's been a single president that spent his time in the White House with anyone hotter than Michelle Bachmann, for chrissake.

How has this happened? The single most powerful men in the world at any moment, and not only were they not married to beautiful women, but some were just outright dogs.  And I know, by the time they're in the White House they're usually fairly old, but how does a man have the charisma and drive and intellect to ascend to the presidency, and yet couldn't have done any better than someone for whom the word "fugly" was invented? Wtf?  They couldn't have ALL been predicated decades earlier upon her usefulness for political ambition, could they?

Then again, look at John and Paul's wives: Yoko and Linda.  Maybe they were amazing women, but they were not very attractive.  At all.

Interesting.  There's a pattern and a theorem here somewhere that I'm gonna crack.

Me? I'll take a VP selection, thank you very much: Marilyn Quayle.  Sigh.

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