Wednesday, February 02, 2011

More Movie Shit

I'm guessing it's an inside joke, but does anybody know why Brad Pitt is eating almost all the way through Ocean's 11?


Unknown said...

Here's the conversation:

Brad: So Steven, I've been thinking about my character, and I think he eats a lot, like all the time, and I think it stems from this really complicated-

Soderbergh: (Watching 20 year old dailies of Andie McDowell masturbating) Great, go with it.

Brad: But I wanted to let you know the backst-

Soderbergh: Shhhhhhhhhh.

-But by the time it gets to be press junket time, Damon and Clooney have concocted an hilarious circumstance of jokery that makes Pitt seem less pathetic and self-involved.

Kiko Jones said...

The official word was that the filming schedule was tight and Brad was always...hungry. And that it would make a nice running visual joke.

Which is probably explained in the last paragraph of Ereiberg's comment, so...