Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Dear Watson, Indeed

I mentioned the Computer vs. Man Jeopardy! match HERE yesterday.

After Day 1, the computer ("Watson"...they couldn't come up with anything gayer?) is tied with one of the humans.

As I was watching last night, Watson (Watty? Hmm. Even gayer) rattled off like 10 correct answers in a row, and I thought oh shit!...what if he answers EVERY SINGLE ONE, and the show is embarrassed?!?!!?

Then it occurred to me that if this had happened, they never would've aired the show.  It's like "Stevie Shithead is about to attempt to jump over a stack of porno mags set ablaze...WILL HE DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE?!??!!?"* And you realize well, they recorded this weeks ago; I doubt they're gonna show film of some dude's brains oozing over copes of BLACK TAIL.  That would would be tragic, since you can hardly find copies anywhere these days. Or it's like when cutting to a commercial on that godawful "reality" show when Sniffy would try to make us think "oh no!  is she about to get eaten by a bear!??!?!", as if we somehow wouldn't have heard about it already.  As if the Ghost of Sniffy Past wouldn't have launched a scorched-Earth Facebook post about the "lamestream media" focusing more on her sexy, feral body getting chewed to bits instead of demanding the common sense small government that St. Ronnie would be proud of.

*if it was my stack, no one would be safe for miles**

**on the other hand, everyone would be able to read without turning on the lights

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The You Tube heading indicated the worst, and I watched in horror as the locomotive came barreling around the bend heading straight for the man who appeared hellbent on suicide.

Nothing happened and I was both relieved and, yes, annoyed at being misled. Sick, isn't it?