Friday, February 04, 2011

NFL Films

Once you become an old, bitter asshole like myself, you realize you prefer watching NFL Films from days of your youth to present-day games. And you remember how amazing the films were back when you WERE  a youth. And the "two youts" bit from My Cousin Vinny is still funny as shit. And while I understand you don't want him to take the spot of a player, it'd be a crime if Ed Sabol didn't get into the Hall of Fame this weekend.
If you watch a football movie like "Rudy" or "Brian's Song" or even "We Are Marshall," you'll notice touches of NFL Films: the close-ups of the tight spiral of a pass, for example, or the key moments unfolding slowly.

The man who wanted to bring a Hollywood feel to football films ended up having an impact on Hollywood.

"We took what every fan felt about the game and added music and sound, and we magnified, and we glorified, and we put it on a movie screen," Steve said.

"We distilled what they love about the game: the fierce physical nature, the competition, the history and the traditions, and also the humor.

"We gave it a mythology."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what are you 35? You're in your yout!