Monday, February 21, 2011

Timing. It's Important.

2) I just stumbled upon the fact that CS Lewis died on November 22, 1963. Seems like that would be a bad day to die. Here he is a pretty famous dude, and I'm sure with JFK dying that day you could find some press about Lewis' death hidden in the fucking JUMBLE the next day. Reminds me of Darby Crash, the singer for the Germs, who decided he was gonna kill himself, thinking it'd get a ton of press. Of course he happens to do it the day John Lennon gets shot. Boy. There's bad timing, then there's BAD timing.
I'm guessing that the Libyan fighter pilots who are seeking asylum in Malta after refusing to bomb civilian protesters are thinking about their own shitty timing right now - I mean, of all days,  they decide to pull such a heroic, culture-changing feat on the same day The Biebs cut his hair?  Damn. Good luck telling the grandkids about that one, airmen!

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