Monday, February 28, 2011

Wink This, Bitches!

As I've mentioned before, I've begun online dating; or, I should say, I've expanded the field of women who won't give me the time of day so as to include those that don't even hafta be in the same room as myself.  Thus far, the evolution chart has been:

1) Heck, you never know, right? Maybe I will meet my soul mate online!
2) Heeeeeeey, I TOO enjoy (insert movie/book/thing to do on Friday night)! I'll send a message!
3) Hmm. No response.
4) Ever.
5) This feels weird as fuck.
6) Hey, look how easy it is to flip through pictures of girls.
7) Fuck it, I'll just send "winks" to every girl that has two eyeballs...and ONLY two eyeballs!

But then, what the fuck...suddenly, you can't just "wink," you have to send a fucking message along with the wink.  But that's why I wanted to send a wink in the first place - BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANNA GO THROUGH THE EFFORT OF WRITING A FUCKING MESSAGE!!!  "Wink" is supposed to be the same as "Like" on Facebook - it's meant to be a simple click of the mouse that says "just making you aware of me, and I'm too lazy to put a single thought into this communication."



Gnon said...

Winks are worthless. You have to add something there. Here is a fine piece of flattery sure to get you nowhere:

Are you old enough to be on this site or is that your daughter?

Anonymous said...

better to send her a song. Lonely chicks LOVE music especially sexy lonely guy songs.


can't hurt...can it? maybe.

Anonymous said...

This is the ONE:

add that to the wink and see if she doesn't contact the authorities.

Anonymous said...

no...the BEST link to a wink would have be THIS song:

Thank me later.