Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Nothing against Charles Woodson, but, as I STATED HERE, I feel like Peyton kinda got jobbed outta the Heisman that went to Woodson back in 1997.

But I must say how surprised I am that Woodson is STILL the only defensive player to win the Heisman Trophy.  It's been 15 years; I'm sure at the time we thought "okay, now the floodgates are open, and soon it'll be no big deal for a defensive player to win it," and yet here we are.

Then again, I guess we should still be surprised that we're still waiting for the second black quarterback to win the Super Bowl, so.

On a side note, on Woodson's Wikipedia page I read that he's an oenophile, which makes me like him even more since I too enjoy masturbating.

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