Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Adam Sandler Box Office Paradox

The dumber he is, the more $crillah he gets:
Bizarro Sandler Box Office Conclusions:
· As long as your film is not an animated musical about Hanukkah narrated by Rob Schneider (Eight Crazy Nights) or a dark comedy starring Harvey Keitel as Satan (Little Nicky), it will probably clear the $100 million mark at the box office.
· Audiences are just as happy seeing Rob Schneider co-star with Adam Sandler as they are seeing Oscar-winning stars like Jack Nicholson and Marissa Tomei co-star with the actor/producer.
· You can make one of the worst-reviewed films of the year and as long as it includes Kevin James falling (off of a rope swing, down a ladder, out of an above ground pool, etc.), your film will net at least $120 million domestically.
I'd like to see the numbers adjusted. Also, did I miss it, or was Punch Drunk Love not in it? (I ain't looking twice.) Sandler's movies are juuuuust likable and re-watchable enough that he really doesn't hafta bust his hump coming up with anything else.  Also, just when you think he's about to make the transition to "wow, this guy could actually be a good actor", he defaults to silly voices et al.  I also liked his first two comedy albums from back in the day.  Some of which is now, apparently, karaoke.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Adam Sandler can go fuck a duck.