Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This is Radio Boss

If you told me that the number of times Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen has appeared on Little Steven's Underground Garage show was "zero," I'd be shocked.  And yet that's what the number is, until over the next coupla weeks, when it will finally happen.
Though the men have known and performed with each other going back to the early 1970s, Mr. Van Zandt said he learned a few things from Mr. Springsteen during their conversation. For one thing, Mr. Van Zandt said, “I don’t think I quite realized how big a fan he was of the Four Seasons.”
Mr. Van Zandt said he was also surprised by a segment in which Mr. Springsteen picked up a guitar and demonstrated how his song “Prove It All Night” was more or less lifted from the Animals’ “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood.”
Interesting, since, as you know, Prove It All Night is not a great song.

Now that he’s gotten Mr. Springsteen through the door of his radio studio, Mr. Van Zandt is hoping the Boss won’t take another nine years to make his return visit.
“I would love it,” Mr. Van Zandt said. “He’s welcome to do it. But coming once every nine years won’t be enough to promote him as a co-host.”
"Radio show? Kiss my ass!" 

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