Thursday, March 17, 2011

Amnesia is a Wonderful Thing.

So the United States is embarking on another effort at nation-building in a Muslim country where there is no nation...I simply cannot believe that the US is taking custody of yet another chaotic region we cannot begin to understand in favor of people we do not know against a crazy tyrant we spent the past few years rehabilitating. - ANDREW SULLIVAN
Just the other day I was thinking "you know, Iraq & Afghanistan have gone so unbelievably well, isn't it a shame we can't squeeze in some more Muslim ass-kicking?" Then I kicked a little pebble on the sidewalk while frowning with my sad face. And now here we are! YES! Fuck you, Libya!! After all, as Shel Silverstein once said, 3 is better than 2. And he wrote some song about a guy getting his ass kicked for sounding like half a fag, so he knew what he was talking about.

Even better: if we can only squeeze in ONE more of these wars over there, then we'd be in four, which means we'd HAVE TO get in ANOTHER one so we could  "win one for the thumb!"

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