Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bruce Springsteen Hates Black People

You can hardly crack open the internet without seeing some story about Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen showing up at a fund-rasier in Asbury Park for some school pumping out future Jersey Shore retards.  The only reason people show up and spray the joint with money is the hopes that Bruce ("Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce!") shows up, and then he does, and he plays for 19 hours.  People are so thrilled shitless at the prospect of Bruce showing up that they even respectfully pretend to not be laughing at Southside Johnny while he opens the show.

And yet, GEE, when a "certain" school needs to shut down, guess who can't be bothered to show up and help out?
The Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park, New Jersey will close its doors July 1st because of low academic achievement and declining enrollment in the district's schools, according to a release from the Asbury Park State Fiscal Monitor's office.
Fucking hell - this was the Generic White Guy elementary School, Bruce would be there every day, hose whipping those idiot kids into learning how to read & shit. But naw, not at this one. Of course not.  After all, B. Hussein Obama wasn't born in the USA, right?

But then, we've always known he hates black people ("the colored," as he'd wanna remind me they prefer) - anyone remember who couldn't bother to show up at Live Aid to help some Africans get food back in 1985?

As Bruce is want to say: "I like dancing in the dark, but not with the darks."

Hmm. INteresting. Curious, even...

"Don't forget I'm still the Boss, boy."

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