Sunday, March 20, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Bob Raismann Making Sense

We all know that Dick Vitale has become insufferable. And that Bob Raissman is a fucking shitty waste of space.

But in what surely must've been a case of 100 monkeys typing in a room, as that's the only way to explain Raismann somehow making fucking sense, his article HERE is dead on re: it's a fucking crime that of all people on this planet, Dicky V has never gotten to do an NCAA tournament game.
Like him, love him, or loathe him, no one can dispute this: Vitale is, and will go down as, one of college basketball's greatest ambassadors. As he hustles down the home stretch of his amazing broadcast career, his mouth runneth over.

Vitale, 71, is still college hoops' most recognizable voice.

He has been at the ESPN mike for 32 years and never worked one, not one, NCAA Tournament game. That's just business. It's also not fair. It's a damn shame.

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