Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Remember: Nobody Loves the Hulk

I meant to say this in my post earlier, but Chris Brown was right re: Charlie Sheen, and THIS ARTICLE goes into detail wondering why.
And yet when Sheen was doing his crazy-ass publicity tour, these items were barely touched upon, with interviewers like Piers Morgan and Andrea Channing not questioning Charlie's claims that he's never hit a woman. (Despite court orders and guilty charges that say otherwise.)

Look, all domestic violence is terrible, and celebrities are not above being held accountable for their actions. But what a dark double-standard that Chris must continually answer for his actions, unable to be known as anything other than "the guy who beat up Rihanna" while Sheen gets a free pass, possibly because none of the women he hurt were famous enough to bother caring about.
I will say that if you DO feel the need to go on a public rampage, removing your shirt as Brown did this morning never seems to help.  You almost never see lawyers stomping around the courtroom ripping their shirts off, winning cases.  Stomping around breaking shit signals "I am somewhat less than pleased"; stripping off your shirt while doing so signals "I may or may have been accidentally exposed to the blast of a test detonation of a gamma bomb I've invented."

FULL DISCLOSURE: Brown and I are from the same hometown, and him being younger than me means he prolly got a lot of my sloppity seconds trim-wise (and vice versa.)

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