Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Hall of Fame...and ME!

Bruce visited the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame to see his own exhibit:
It's a testament to Springsteen that the exhibit wasn't closed off just for him, and he didn't arrive after hours to check it out; he walked around the memorabilia just like anyone else. (Well, somewhat: He understandably had comments to make about several of the items on display, which is, you know, kind of mind-blowing.) Before the exhibit closed, he took time out to take photos and shake hands with fans, who had kept respectful distance as he toured.
I would've done the same thing, gone and seen my own exhibit "amongst the people." Not because I'm so humble and wouldn't wanna trouble anybody, or consider myself to be just another guy, but so I could stand around my fans going "yes, I AM wonderful, aren't I?"  The fumes of my manic self-congratulation over every piece in the exhibit would be exhausting to all in the room.

"Then the Big Man ate a live turkey and I fingerbanged three Puerto Rican Janes while Spanish Johnny drove in from the underworld!  Hey, who wants to hear about when the Phantom got head lice during The River sessions!?"

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