Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I Wish I Owned an Oil Company

We are supposedly in such dire straits financially that we're trying to justify the mass firings of public servants. This affects real people in real ways - such as death, for instance.

One way to keep this from happening would be to stop handing taxpayer money over to oil companies that are constantly breaking their own records for profits.  Uncle Sam would painlessly have a bunch more scrillah, and the oil companies would still be wealthy beyond our imagination.

Which means that obviously we have to demand that the oil companies still get their handouts.  Of course.

Wait, I'm sorry - it's only a "handout" if it's to poor people, right?

On a side note, I'm working on a "bears that are drunk" calendar to go along with my "dogs with their heads out car windows" one. Order yours now!

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