Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Many Day's Til Election Day?

Matt Yglesias smarmily points out to what he thinks is the Te Party's hypocrisy when it comes to freedom:
Life, after all, begins at conception, ends at birth, and doesn’t count if you’re from Mexico.
Of course, Mr. Harvard McHarvardson fails to point out the times we live in, the current calculus.  I mean, we've been duped into having a black Muslim in the White House, this is Threat Level Midnight shit we're having to deal with.  Your grandpappy's "We like Ike!" rules do not apply here, and so we must adjust accordingly.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely care for the mother and baby and get that child into this system. School, work and taxpaying. Sounds great to me.

Kill Abortion.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of Choice is the law of the land. Respect the law.