Tuesday, March 22, 2011

If There's One Thing I Know It's Business and Business Plans, So You'd Better Listen to This

The New York Times asking to be paid for its online service now seems to be an early launch into a somewhat backward business plan for media.  It used to be that usually when media new was created, only the rich could afford to either make it or view/hear/etc it.  Then, over time, it trickled down to the masses.  Once you needed thousands of dollars to make a movie that only the people with a lot of disposable income could watch; now you can make one for pretty much nothing, and millions of people can watch for free.  And now comes the internet, where people have been used to getting tons of shit for free, and producing tons of shit for free, and it's gonna start saying "okay, now how about paying for this?"

In other words, when I can no longer watch Ava Devine maul a circle of Mandingo-sized dicks for free, I am going to be somewhat miffed.

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