Saturday, March 12, 2011

In 1842, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

Michelle Bachmann oh-so surprisingly gets pretty much nothing right during her latest history lesson, bungling some simple facts that are LITERALLY taught on the first day of history class when you're a kid.

To whit Sully says:
Bachmann has not issued a correction.
What? Why would she? Bachmann loves patriotism and freedom, so nobody in the Tea Party actually cares what she's saying; certainly not enough to demand she be factually right. 

But who WILL be taking a ton of shit here is Andrew Sullivan - an elitist, book-learning snob who dares to question someone like Bachmann, whose blinding love of America and freedom surely led her to these mistakes, same as Newt's destroyed his marriages.  And of course Sullivan's "piling on" with his gotcha! brand of journalism will only serve to make Bachmann's supporters double down on her willful stupidity.

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