Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Oh, Come the Fuck On.

Was there anything worse than that last year of Family Ties when they felt guilty about Jennifer growing up to be so monstrously ugly, and kept trying to give her storylines or traits that made her "look good?"  Okay, maybe the Holocaust (yawn)

All of a sudden, it's generally acknowledged that she's "as smart as Alex." What? Alex was a hyper-achieving economics prodigy.  But we're supposed to believe Jennifer was his equal, despite not once showing anything onscreen other than everyone standing around nodding silently after someone's said "Jen's smart, just like Alex!"

And then there's  episodes where some dude in her class is following her around, all in puppy love, but she's always "exasperated!!!" by their overtures.  What?  These are always good-looking (or at least normal-looking) dudes; does she go to the school of the blind?  Hey, ugly!  You better hope Skippy has a younger, dumber brother in a wheelchair, and cling to him like grim death!

For fuck's sake.

On a happier note, who would've thought that having a kid late, usually the death knell, would've been a positive? That kid was funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...