Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Phil Spector, 2

Last week HERE I mentioned the first part of a Goldmine article on Phil Spector, and HERE is the second part.  Even better, much more technical info, and great insight into The Wrecking Crew.
“The metals made after World War II were sufficiently degraded from the metal before World War II,” David Kessel continued. “Much weaker metal because they had to use so much during the war. It became thinner, got into aluminum, transistors. Stuff like that. When they have the real deal metal, the real deal magnets, and the real deal wiring, that really enhances the sound. And when you bring in brilliant acoustics with a powerful board and then you have Phil and his genius working the musicians and hearing those sounds in his head and being able to articulate it with the help of Larry Levine, Stan Ross and Dave Gold, who were outstanding.

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