Friday, March 04, 2011

Tweet, Tweet, Sniffffffffffffff

Sniffy's upset because after this tweet:
Common sense & decency absent as wacko "church" allowed hate msgs spewed@ soldiers' funerals but we can't invoke God's name in public square
People were "confused," and thought she was dissing the ruling.  Now the Sniffinator claims everybody misunderstood.  But as usual, she can't simply say "hey, that's not what I meant, I meant this instead."  Of course it's all a conspiracy, since everyone hates her because she's Jesus' favorite:
“I wasn’t calling for any limit on free speech, and it’s a shame some folks tried to twist my comment in that way."
For fuck's sake.  It's not "a shame" that people "tried to twist" anything. Twitter's very structure, the 140 character thingee, means that about 95% of what ANYbody says is incoherent.  Meanwhile, anything Sniffy herself says in general is incoherent.  Put the two together, and the odds of her making clear-cut sense are virtually non-existent. So to claim that people hafta go out of their way to "try" to twist her meaning is, in a nutshell, insulting.

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