Friday, March 04, 2011

Xmastime Say "Relax"

I've been cringing at all the "hey, weren't the '80's AWESOME?!?!" movies that seem to be farted out by Hollywood on a daily basis now, and THIS ARTICLE sums up why a movie like Take Me Home Tonight is pretty inane.

On the other hand, I think in general we're very unimpressed with any era we actually experienced, and VERY impressed with the ones we didn't.  Kids tonight are clamoring for '80's nostalgia that was before their time.  And someone like me, who spent the decade between the ages of 8 and 18, runs his rough hands through his dark, lustrous hair and thinks " why?"

But then, I remember when I was a kid, we all seemed to be bananas about the '50s.  1950, not 1850 (did you think I was gonna say 1550?) We wore Chucks/white tee/jeans like they did, we watched Stand by Me over and over, and thought the rock 'n roll of the time would never be topped.  We all wished we lived on Happy Days, and I'm sure my parents looked at me and thought "what the hell is wrong with this kid?  And what the hell is this 'Facebook' thing he keeps talking about wanting to create?"

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