Saturday, April 02, 2011

Eric Cantor's Latest WTF

People have been having fun making fun of Eric Cantor's seeming ignorance of how laws are made, including suggesting he watch himself some Schoolhouse Rock:
Cantor, lead sponsor of the bill, wants to make his House-passed budget measure with $61 billion in spending cuts the law of the land if the Senate fails to act. The measure also would withhold the pay of lawmakers until they complete the budget process.

Though she [Colleen Kelley, president of the NTEU] appreciates that he wants to quickly resolve the budget impasse, she has a “small problem” with his bill.

“It is my understanding that in order for a bill to become law it must be passed by the House and the Senate and signed by the President,” Kelley wrote. She suggested Cantor spend a few moments watching the clip above, a “Schoolhouse Rock” classic called, “How a Bill Becomes a Law.”
Personally, as much as a worthless shithead Eric Cantor is (which is a shame, since even at twice the age, he could play Buddy Holly onscreen), there's now way I believe he honestly thought this could happen.  There's no way he doesn't understand how a bill becomes a law.  So when I first saw this, I just rolled my eyes, thinking here's yet another politician theatrically saying something incredibly stupid to appeal to incredibly stupid people for a few moments, which we all have gotten entirely too used to.

But the thing is, Cantor's peanut gallery is one that prides itself on being experts of the US Constitution.  These are the people that keep the pocket Constitution industry pumping.  So that makes Cantor's statement a little more curious than I had originally thought.

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