Saturday, April 02, 2011

Chicks. They Get Mens All Twisted.

I also put a letter in the mail this morning to Prez W. Cause it dawned on me that you know what, when he’s done as US President, wouldn’t he wanna be President of Iraq  Afghanistan? I mean hell, he’s been obsessed with the place since he got in office. He’s repeatedly told me that the democracy, safety and freedom of the Iraqi  Afghan people is more important than my own; isn’t it obvious he wants to be with them? So W, dust off your resume, there's a new job waiting for you! - XMASTIME

So now George Bush wants America to stay in an endless state of war in Afghanistan to protect the rights of their women he suddenly feels so strongly about, no matter the cost in dollars or lives (of course, as W is want to say about that, "why start now?")

Meanwhile, his GOP brethren in Congress have spent every minute since they took over in January trying to stip American women of their rights.  That's pretty interesting to me.

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