Saturday, April 30, 2011


Via a link from Sully, I see this:
"Inflammatory bowel disease" has got to be the least sexy malady out there, trumped only by elephantiasis of the nuts or scabies. Most people have never heard of it, which necessitates at least a brief explanation involving the words "anus and rectum." "But what does it do?" concerned friends ask, to which I usually reply, "It makes me poop my pants." Talk about a conversation killer. No one has ever followed that one with "Please tell me more."
What? Are you (wait for it...) shitting me?  I literally can think of nothing that could come up in a conversation that would make me reload a bucket of popcorn, get in my footy pajamas and prop up my chin with both elbows before asking "Please tell me more" more than "on occasion, I shit my pants."  I mean, camon - if your friends are so dull they don't ask for a follow-up to that, then you need new friends, dear.

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