Saturday, April 30, 2011


Now that people have had to shift their racism from where Obama was born ("birthers") to what kind of a student he was ("skoolers"?), what happens if it turns out Obama WAS a crappy student?  Wouldn't that make him more "American" in their eyes, wouldn't that finally endear him to them?  After all, weren't we sold on George Bush partly by his being a "crappy C-student, just like you!"?   Isn't it the GOP that has demanded it's the anti-intellectual party?  Sarah Palin wears her illiteracy like a badge.  I mean, you can't call Obama an egghead elitest, and then turn around and complain he didn't get good enough grades in college.  If it turns out Obama really is stupid, the Republicans should rightfully claim him as one of their own.

On a side note, if a case can be made that someone's not qualified for the presidency based on his or her grades in college, shouldn't one's being allowed to vote be based on the same?

On a side-side note, if Obama doesn't start growing the biggest afro in the world starting on January 20, 2012, I'm moving to Canada.

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