Monday, April 18, 2011

Joey Ramone

Cool Pops wrote:
"Just saw today marks 10 years since Joey Ramone passed.  Shall we expect a retrospective?"
Friday was the tenth anniversary of Joey Ramone's death, and I spent it on the Chinatown Bus, so.   What's there to say that hasn't been said already?  I'd just say that if someone could make the leap as far as Joey did from being a born into hopelessness, a runt-of-the-litter, weird-looking freak hammered at constantly that his future was failure and, if he was lucky, a life in the loony bin, to someone whose cultural presence ten years after his death is rolling down the hill picking up more and more importance like snow on a snowball, then maybe you can do the same thing, no matter where you start out.


Anonymous said...

that's comforting, because my word for verification was: fooffi but I messed up, so now it's: gratio.

and that's how my life it. so thanks.

Anonymous said...


sapradoe. are these real words
(for verification)? or is this computer just making em up as it goes?

Pops said...

Well said.

The Gnat said...

And I am still waiting for Vincent Chase to make that Ramones movie. I blame Martin Landau.

Xmastime said...

no shit. what the fuck happened to that?