Thursday, April 14, 2011


The thing I don't understnd about soap operas is that all of a sudden, after decades and decades of being on every day, they're dropping like flies because of "costs." Which, from what I can ascertain, includes a video camera from 1988 and the interior of a Foot Locker with wood paneling. Fuck it, why don't they just start the goddam thing over again, let 'em run from, say, June 30 1952 (first viewing of Guiding Light) and run again each day as if in real time? Hell, woudn't people get a kick out of the fads and fashions anyways? - XMASTIME
Looks like two more soaps are going to that big, daytime television in the sky that nobody watches.

I remain surprised I never got hooked on one.

Nom nom nom!

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