Monday, April 04, 2011

Things I Worry About.

Sometimes I worry people haven't had their lives changed by my Short Stack Rap Series, including my piece de resistance:

Yeah, yeah, yeahyeahyeahyeah Short Stack,
And they callin' you Palin
One whiff of you and my dick ain't failin'
You're Tokyo, and I'm Godzilla
Now back it up baby lemme drill-baby-drilla

Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (what’s he saying?)
Short Stack (seriously I cannot hear him)
Short Stack (is this thing on?)
Short Stack (turn down that goddam tv so I can hear him!)
Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (huh?)

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