Friday, May 06, 2011

The Non-Harlem Globetrotters

Ah, memories:
Both of my godsons are unbaptized. Most people say the job of the Godfather is to make sure they do get baptized; I say it's to make sure they don't play soccer when they get older. I'm thinking I should claim myself Godfather of All Unbaptized Young Bucks. Wayward lads in search of male guidance. Op and I have a riff where I take these kids and put together a barnstorming basketball team, the thing being that all week leading up to the game I'm a ridiculous douche, emailing our upcoming oppenents trash talk about how bad we're gonna beat them, how much they suck, I might have done their mothers etc. Then we show up and they crush us like 110-30, but while there I'm the picture of cordiality and sportsmanship. "Great game guys! Great kids, you guys got a great program here, good luck! Great kids!" Then the second I'm back home I start trashing them about how lucky they were to win, they fucking suck and I'm STILL doing their mothers etc. Anyways. Dreams, eh?
Right now I'm thinking of a starting five featuring Big Bear, The Short Bus, Husky, Paddy Mac and a three-foot guard to be named later.

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