Sunday, May 15, 2011

Geithner, Geithner, Geithner

Maybe it's just the media world we live in, but as a Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner for some reason is examined for strange things, such as body language, or how "inspirational" he is.  And today, Salon trots out another nonsensical nonsense that makes none sense:
It's no secret that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has an image problem, although part of it may just be a visceral response to his appearance or demeanor. Virtually every published image of the man has him looking up at some congressional panel, where he sits coiled up tight like a snake defending its turf...Geithner conducts himself in front of the camera as if it's the numbers, not his image, that are his primary concern -- a trait that was on full display this past week, when he was in the spotlight on two pivotal issues. 
What? This is supposed to be bad?  What the fuck? He's SUPPOSED to be an uncharismatic number-crunching nerd!   This in particular reminds me of something I wrote a few years back about Tim Geithner (and, in the rest of the post, an incredible example of gravitation assist!!!)

Which makes me think about Timothy Geithner. I keep hearing a lot of grumbling that whenever he speaks, he doesn't "arouse a lot of confidence." Which drives me crazy - I want somebody in charge of saving our economy to be a hyper-nerd with a freakish acumen for numbers and economic theory; I don't really give a shit if he's not great at giving speeches. Yeah maybe he's not great at pep talks, but then I'm not interested in giving Bill Parcells a whack at ending the recession either.
I mean, for fuck's sake already.

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