Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Miley Cyrus Does a Nirvana Song; Armageddon to Follow

I've eyerolled several times, including HERE and HERE the silly need of Nirvana fans to beatify Kurt Cobain, and to make his music some sort of sanctified pact between him and those who TRULY know what "real" music is, and that St. Kurt would be "horrified!" to find his music in the "wrong" ears.

Which is, of course, childish nonsense.  Not even that it's solely Nirvana fans; I remember reading an article by Gina Arnold wherein at a Paul Westerberg show she was "offended!" that Jon Bon Jovi was in the crowd, that he didn't "deserve" to be a fan of Westerberg's music, which irritated the fuck out of me.

Meanwhile, I am an unapologetic Hannah Montana fan (okay, the show, not the music), so I'm glad to see Matt Yglesias out in front of what I'm sure will be a groundswell of outraged 50 year-old men screaming that she doesn't "deserve!" to play Kurt's music (although they had no problem accepting Cobain doing Leadbelly's Where Did You Sleep Last Night - of course, THAT was okay, despite that fact Kurt Cobain is a lot closer both as a person and an artist to Miley Cyrus than Leadbelly):
He ought to be thrilled that the songs he wrote continue to mean something to people and to be played. Miley Cyrus was 18 months old when Cobain died and many of her fans are even younger than she is. Yet here she is playing Cobain’s song to an audience in Ecuador. That, to me, is how you take art seriously—by celebrating it, and taking joy in the idea of a growing set of people experiencing it. 


Pops said...

Her journey to sounding like Marge Simpson's sisters is almost complete.

Kiko Jones said...

I could care less who else likes or dislikes whatever artists I enjoy and/or mean something to me. And while it's cool if your version bring something to the table--making it less redundant--the main point of all covers is that they not suck, regardless of who's performing it. The problem is not that Celine Dion covered "You Shook Me All Night" but that she butchered it. And Cyrus' version of "Teen Spirit", just plain sucks. (So does Muse's, for the record.) And since "Teen Spirit" is such an easy song to learn and play, screwing it up says a lot about whomever is butchering it.