Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh, Ricky, You Got Some 'Splaining to Do!

Rick Santorum, who for reasons unbeknownst to humans is newsworthy, says that  Stevie Wonder doesn't understand living with a disability    Magic Johnson doesn't understand living with HIV    John Wayne Bobbitt doesn't understand penis severance    Roman Polanski doesn't understand the fine art of seduction    Kirstie Alley doesn't understand how to find a Hardee's    Stephen King doesn't understand how to write prolifically    Bears don't understand how to bear     Shit doesn't understand how to stink    My dick doesn't understand masturbating to Who's the Boss?      Charlie Sheen doesn't understand how to have a somewhat pleasurable evening     Black people don't understand how to use washcloths     Khloe Kardashian doesn't understand how to find the one man on the planet larger than herself to marry     John McCain doesn't understand torture.  Hmm.  Of course.

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