Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nom Nom Nom!

Matt Yglesisas delivers the bad news:
The news that Lisa Edelstein is quitting House is a tragedy for people who want to see more hot Jews and competent administrators in our mass media. Our popular culture, particularly our procedural shows, are heavily skewed towards storylines where our Slightly Rebellious Heroes Tell The Administrator To Shove It And Save Lives, usually by continuing to investigate crimes or treat patients. Usually, the immediate supervisors of those Slightly Rebellious Heroes are on their side, rather than on the side of the higher-ups. We have very few shows where the administrator saying no is a sympathetic figure, much less a romantic or heroic one. Cuddy was the very rare exception.
Of course, I have not watched a single second of House and therein couldn't give a shit, but I like to use any opportunity I'm given to point out that Liza Edelstein has pulled off the hat trick of being hot as blazes, was on The West Wing AND hung out with the Replacements.  Not bad, Mrs. Xmastime, Old Testament Division!

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