Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Photo

I agree with The White House's decision to not release the pictures of Osama's blown up head.  For one, we don't need to be in the business of marketing morbidity.  But, as I said yesterday, IT WON'T FUCKING MATTER ANYWAY - anyone already "skeptical" which just stay "skeptical" no matter what (though I noticed nobody was "skeptical" any time Osama released one of his crappy videos; they were MORE than happy to view it as 100% authentic to encourage us to run around like chickens with our heads cut off), so there's no point in trying to appease them anyway.  Thought it is kind of sad that decisions now have to be made partly based on a segment of people demanding to not act like grown-ups.  Great.

Hey, you want a gruesome photo?  HERE.

You're welcome!


The Gnat said...

The French would confirm that Bin Laden has been dead since 2006, so I have my doubts about all of this.

Xmastime said...

if youre insinuating Marge the Barge is in on this, I cant listen to this.