Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Real-LIfe Costanza!

There will always only be one (assistant) Traveling Secretary for the New York Yankees, but here's a brief inside look at their actual Traveling Secretary:
Settle the hotel bill and make sure everyone is checked out; set up buses to the ballpark; fulfill players' ticket requests; arrange buses to the airport; arrange for trucks to carry equipment and luggage; make sure the plane home is ready with catering, flight attendants and crew; set up buses from LaGuardia Airport back back to Yankee Stadium; fulfill player requests for car service home; arrange the trucks to handle equipment and luggage to the Bronx.

Wait, someone needs tickets for a show? Reservation at a five-star restaurant? During the first minutes of our chat, someone in a Yankee uniform politely interrupted with a request for Tuliebitz.

He hands out the players' per diems. He arranges housing for call-ups.
Of course, this merely reminds me of the absurdity that on top of the gazillion bucks Major Leaguers get, they also get per fucking diems.

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