Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This is Leaning Towards Science, So I Suspect the Republicans Will Somehow Block It

But it's still pretty exciting:
NASA plans a return to yesteryear by developing a space capsule that will carry humans into deep space, it announced Tuesday.
"We are committed to human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit and look forward to developing the next generation of systems to take us there," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said.
NASA says astronauts would not fly onboard until at least 2016. NASA has not flown astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit since the Apollo program, in the 1970s.
President Bachmann, 2017: "There's no mention of a space capsule in the U.S. Constitution, so we're taking the money from this program and using it to block more unemployment benefits.  After all, Ben Franklin invented the bifocals, and he was our greatest president!"

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