Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Modest Proposal.

Unless they get a chance to run a Bush (their fetish), surely the GOP can see that there's no way these ass clowns they have running can beat Obama, short of them finding out he really DID kill Jesus.  So how can they combine their usual "it's my turn, dammit!" and not spend a dime of money themselves, along with providing us with the tons of unintentional comedy the present candidates would?  Isn't it obvious?

John McCain.

They need to say "hey John, it's still your turn!...as long as you and your zillionaire wife fund your entire campaign."

That way they can sit back and watch Grandpa dodder around the country making a fool of himself at no cost, all while gearing up a REAL candidate in 2016; the topper being they can honestly say "hey, we weren't even trying!" when Obama wins.

Everybody wins: the GOP can save face from the inevitable embarrassment their current field is, Obama gets a second term, and McCain gets to finally finish obliterating his own legacy the way he's been so desperate to do over the last few years.


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