Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Xmastime Movie Review


Obviously I'm not enough of an expert on the subject to offer any real analysis, other than the cast is fucking stacked, but I will say this: just as with I've bitched before about The West Wing, what is it about the people who make television that want us to believe that goverment buildings have about as much lighting as a fucking cave?  I mean, wtf?  I understand there's techincal lighting stuff to worry about, but if this had been a Tyler Perry movie, you wouldn't have seen anyone.  We're supposed to believe Tim Geitner has a huge office, yet only uses his tiny bankers lamp...while trying to save the United States from financial ruin?  As my eyes are focusing with each scene I'm expecting to see him hanging upside down from the ceiling.  Are cranky old men in charge of shows or movies like this, and want us to think that financial ruin can be averted by turning off some lights around the house?   Fucking hell.

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