Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Waiting Is (Not) the Hardest Part

I've never understood why wait times in doctor's offices is one of the Right's leading arguments against healthcare reform that included a public option.  Who gives a shit?  First of all, we bitch and moan whenever we have to wait more than ten seconds for anything anyway.  I do it, you do it, we all do it.

But if someone who can't afford healthcare can go to a doctor's office and receive medical treatment (in some cases, life-saving treatment), I don't think a longer wait time is something he or she would really use as a reason to turn away said healthcare.  Since they're human they'd still bitch and moan, but in the end I think they'd be pretty happy about having access to a doctor without the fear of financial ruin.

I can afford to buy a pizza and expect it to be here within thirty minutes.  And if I was super-rich, I could probably find a way to get it here in 15.  But if I couldn't afford a pizza and they said I could have one for free but I'd hafta wait an hour, I don't think I'd say "oh, fuck that!" and instead choose to starve to death.

But hey.  That's just me.

Chart Mukluks: Andrew Sullivan

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